NYS: How did you go from a 50-year career in Wall Street to full-time professional artist? What was the moment you knew you could turn this into a career?
Joe Gitterman: It was a fluke really. Sculpture was my hobby for very many years. My "Aha" moment came in 2011 when I was part of a group exhibit at the Washington Art Assoc. in Connecticut. A local gallery saw one of my pieces and to my great surprise, offered me a show with the talented painter Susan Monserud. I sold a few pieces and the gallery owner recommended I put up a website. I uploaded my work to several art exhibit sites, secured another gallery and two agent representations. Thus I was off and running when my hobby turned into a second career—all in less than 6 months.
NYS: What was the transition like?
JG: Exciting is an understatement. It has changed my life, completely consuming, challenging and rewarding. I never dreamed this would happen
NYS: Did you already have a background in art? What exactly drove you to try sculpture in particular?